Wednesday 29 June 2011

Hello, my week was very crazy. I missed the tickets for the group at embrace… I stand 15 minutes with the tube in the tunnel… I get lost… I was in the “forest”… Very crazy, but I survive the week. I feel ok, but I am sleepless in London. And I work long, so that I can’t visit London under the week. It is ok. Sometimes I want to go home, I miss my family, I miss my boyfriend… In 2 weeks I am at home. And then I will miss London.

This week I started my new placement at OBV. It was very interesting, funny and full of different tasks. The first 2 days I helped my colleague Merlene with her seminar about magistrates. So I had to pack the packages, copied some plans etc.
On Monday and Thursday I also had to make a video with Teasha, the volunteer from USA for the OBV website. But it was not that funny because no one wanted to say a little sentence for us. At the end of the week we found 6 people.
During my tasks I also had to make some database stuff with Rafiq, clean the office and print labels.
Now I have to work just one more week at placement and the last week I will use to explore London. Then in exactly 2 weeks we flying back home and I am happy about that, but I also will miss some people and the atmosphere of London.


I reckon it was just another week at the office. Thus, I am fully confident with the tasks I am doing. I’d prefer to gain a few more skills now, though. Just to progress on the job.

Despite a relatively uneventful week at work, I continue to enjoy London greatly. The weekend was pretty darn good as well. Nights out on the town just can’t be beaten by squeaky hostel beds. It seems surreal that it will all be over so soon. Shame!

This week a got many tasks and I had a lot to do at work. So it was necessary to ask my colleagues permanently. In my opinion a have very nice colleagues. There is one guy from Tanzania and one guy from the US and they are so funny…

I still enjoy the city, although the weather is bad, the summer is going to leave. Maybe when we leave London it becomes better. There are so many places to discover, but the time is running away.
Next week the most important Grand Slam Tournament starts – Wimbledon. I wanna buy a ticket. This would be great.


This I’m getting ill. I have cold my throat and so I felt myself not so good. Now it’s getting better. The work is very funny and I learnt a lot about quality differences between USA and China built guitars.


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